April 11, 2010

Visit to the Doc

Saturday morning Ryan and I got Wyatt a "sick" appointment to have him checked out. He has been having a dry cough for a couple of weeks now and Friday it turned into a more wet cough. It had us very concerned at the time and could not wait until Monday to have him go in. He did not have a temperature and was eating great. He was still smiling and playing as well. Once we saw the doctor he said Wyatt's lungs sounded great. He was concerned that it was something that just happened over night, so he had us get an x-ray. Thank goodness that they have a x-ray lab and lab there in the office. His lungs showed no sign of being sick or anything wrong. He said the only other cause would be acid relux which we were already aware he had when he was in the NICU after being born with an infection. We were told Wyatt had stage 3 acid reflux but this child has only spit up no more than 6 times and he is almost 4 months old. He has what they call "silent relux". The doctor perscribed him with Zantac and he is on his third dose this morning, he is doing alot better but still occasionally coughing like he is sick. Hopefully this is the problem and we can get him all better!!! While we were there, we also had his eye checked out. His left eye has always had tears coming out (while not even crying) and has had discharge at times since we was born. We have been keeping an eye on it and his tear duct is still clogged. We are applying warm washcloths to it and rubbing in between the inside of his eye and nose. The doctor said it will unclog at 3-4 months in most babies, some may take up to 6 months. If not, then we will have to go to a specialist and have a small surgery procedure to unclog it. The doctors around Birmingham will not perform the procedure until the baby is 8 months so hopefully we will not have to go that far and it will unclog on its own. If anyone has any tips please let us know!!! I do not want to think about him going in for this procedure. We already had to go through 2 spinal taps when he was in the NICU and that was bad/hard enough for us. Keep our little guy in your thoughts and prayers.

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