August 24, 2010

8 Months!!

Our sweet boy is 8 months old! Where has the time gone? It amazes me how quickly time is going by and how much he changes each month. He is such a happy little boy and you can definitely tell he knows who is mommy and daddy are. I look forward to the end of each work day to go pick him up, I just walk through the door and he is just so exicted and beaming. Yesterday, one of his teachers was feeding him and he just kept lifting his head and trying to watch me. It melts my heart!!! I have been very blessed to not have the feeling that I am missing out on anything with me working full time. God answers prayers! He seems to do everything new when he is with us especially on the weekends. Except his teachers did tell me that he tried to give them kisses and that kind of did tear me up..but maybe he is a ladies man! :) Wyatt is such a big boy now, we are guessing he is around 21.5-22 pounds and about 30" long. He is in 12 month and some 18 month shirts. His upper body is wider/larger and he has this tiny little waste. He is still sleeping through the night and is eating at the same schedule. He loves to be on his tummy, rolling around and we are almost crawling. I definitely think he will be by his 9 month post. He loves to stand and jump on your lap, he loves it when we walk him around the house while getting a million kisses from Tyson trying to walk. He can say da-da, ma-ma and ba-ba & a bunch of other gibberish. He doesnt know the meaning but it is nice to hear the words. Oh, best of all he just stares and smiles when you sing to him. Of course, mommy and daddy need to come up with more songs and maybe sing them in the exact words instead of trying to remember and making up a line...or two! We have no teeth yet, I dont know when this little boy will ever get one. Wyatt will be promoted to the Infant II class on Monday, nothing much will change besides no more swing or bouncers which he hardly uses now. He will go down to 2 bottles at school and eating solid foods while he is there for breakfast, lunch and a snack. He will be with other babies his age and they will be on the same level such as crawling, pulling up and somewhat trying to walk. I am hoping this will motivate him to get on the move. He already plays on the floors with other babies so it will be nice to see them all moving around together. Wyatt will be going on his first beach trip next month right before his 9 month check up. We are so excited to take him and hope that he will love it. Until then, I will try to keep more updated on posting.


Grandma Lisa said...

Wyatt is one beautiful both make some great looking kids....I cant wait to see my little man in Oct.....

Catharine McBrayer said...

Oh Julia he looks like an angel in these pictures!! Absolutely precious!