February 2, 2011

my lil climber and wobbler

I have not updated the blog in a few weeks and I am really sorry, especially to my family that keep up with us that live out of town. But, I am on a mission to keep up as much as I can. Here is a little update on Wyatt... He is moving up to the Wobblers class starting Monday. He is walking but still crawls to get to something or somewhere quickly. He is on the meal plan at school as well, which I am happy about! It is hard getting his meals ready each morning and trying to get both of us ready. He is doing great with it! He hates meat but will eat fish sticks, sometimes hot dogs and every now and then chicken fries. Loves pizza, gold fish, carrots, green beans, bananas and yogurt. Those are a few things he loves to eat. He is drinking out of a sippy cup, blabbing alot, climbing on top of everything! He loves to play with his gym activity thing, he knows to climb up the one side and sit down with your legs in front of you and slide down. He caught on quickly after showing him a couple of times. That sums up what has been going on the last couple of weeks. My baby is turning more into a little boy with each passing week, he amazes me every day! climbing up he gets so excited when he makes it to the top being silly... sitting down and trying to get his legs in front ready to slide down and again!!!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Grandma, says wow he is growing up so fast.....Little man Grandma misses you Soooooo much, I love you.