January 1, 2012

2 Years Old!

Wyatt had his two year check up and it went great. He hasn't been to the doctor since his well check up at 15 months. His current stats are 35" tall and 28 lbs. He is a very healthy boy! She was very happy to see that he is interested in using the potty, he has been doing good at school but doesn't yet know to tell us when he has to go potty. Recently at home he does not want to sit on the potty but rather stand and pull his shirt under his chin. Wonder where he got that from?! Hopefully, once he gets back to school Tuesday and back into his schedule without any "breaks" he will get back to sitting down. A few new things he is doing is talking more and more! He knows the sound each letter makes, most of them anyway. He is a quick learner, we have to be more careful of what we do or say around him. He is still sleeping in his crib, I dont think he will ever try to climb out. I keep wanting to convert it but have been told to keep him in there until he tries to climb out. I think he will be three before he does! He still loves his cars and trucks, carries one or two in his hand at all times...even to bed. He is growing into such a fun and loving little boy. I am so thankful to have him in my life and have him as our son.

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