1 Month...
Can't believe Wyatt is already a month old, the time has been flying by and he is growing so fast. Yesterday we had his one month check up and he did really well. Doctor said he looks great. His weight is 9lbs. 12oz. and still around 22-1/4" long. His head has gotten a little bigger at 14-3/4". He has been doing well during the day, we try to get out as much as we can to give him some fresh air. He has been falling asleep around 9 p.m. and waking up around 12-1a.m. and 3-4a.m. for feedings. I havent been able to sleep in past 6a.m. but maybe one day. We discovered last week that Wyatt is a little bit colicky and we think it is due to gas and his relux. It is not as bad as I have heard from other people but he gets upset in the evenings around 5:30p.m. and gets the worst between 7-8p.m. It is sad that there is nothing you can really give them but try to comfort them and do your best to relieve the pain. Doctor said most babies outgrow it by 10 weeks, we are hoping that it won't last that long. Nothing much else has been going on lately, he doesnt like to spend more than 5 mintues on his belly during the day, but he likes it when he is going through his fussiness in the evening. I have attached a couple of pictures that I have taken within the last few days, I really need to get some of us with him. We are waiting for our newborn pictures and family pictures, hopefully we will get those this week. We had so much fun getting them done and he was great.
how cute........look how big he's getting, yes he looks like you julia....love the last picture he looks like he's mad....llama llama mad at mama. we love you all so very much, mom and dad (grandma and grandpa)
I forgot that it was Wyatt's one month birthday too! We went to the doctor last Tuesday and Ava wighed 6lbs 8 oz and was 19 inches and 3/4 long. I would think she has to be at least almost 7 this week. Ava is feeding about the same as Wyatt, 8:00 - 9:00, then waking up at 12:00 - 1:00 and then again around 3:30 - 4:30 and then we wake up about 7:00. That last feeing for me is horrible because i am so exhausted being up all night. Have you been able to take naps during the day? Its been so hard for me to because I feel like i need to be doing something.
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